In the face of an incurable, lethal brain tumor,
Jenny Boxer’s greatest dream was to care for animals
that had no one to care for them. On March 19,
2008, just one month after a Make-a-Wish trip to Best
Friends Animal Sanctuary in Utah, Jenny was granted her
angel wings, passing over the Rainbow Bridge.
Jenny was born on August 1, 1996. A premature
baby of only 3 lbs, she was a miracle granted to her
parents after 7 years of infertility treatments.
After a month in the hospital, Jenny went home and grew
to be a tall, exuberant girl. Jenny’s life was tap
dancing, horseback riding, playing soccer, snorkeling,
creating art, playing her saxophone, and touching the
lives of family, friends and neighbors. She had an
unusual way of connecting with people, befriending and
touching the hearts of other children and adults alike.
Jenny was luminous, a person who truly lit up every
room she entered. She was the “champion of the
underdog,” whether it was a shy and excluded child or an
injured animal that had trouble keeping up with the
group. Her compassion and empathy for others found
her the ambassador for her class when welcoming a new
student, or patiently guiding younger children while
crafting art or learning to read. She had a creative and
whimsical side which often set her apart from her peers,
but allowed her to reach out to others, young and old.
She sought out life’s adventure with a passion for
nature, animals and everything in the world around her.
A child of unusual wisdom, Jenny would guide us to see
the silver lining even during the cloudiest times.
In February 2007, Jenny was diagnosed with a brain
stem glioma, an incurable form of brain cancer.
Given no chance of recovery, she went forward excelling
in school while undergoing extensive radiation and
continual chemotherapy, fighting her way forward,
searching for some unique combination of therapeutic
agents that could offer her time or a cure; in short she
lived looking for a miracle. Unfortunately, that
miracle was not to be, but before she passed the
Make-a-Wish Foundation sent Jenny to Best Friends Animal
Sanctuary, where Jenny was able to help dogs, cats,
rabbits, birds, horses, pigs, and myriad other needy
animals with whom she felt such a personal connection as
she dealt with her medical challenges. The story
of Jenny’s wish has inspired people around the globe.